Category: Groups
Downtown Group – AA – Alcoholics Anonymous
An Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) group that regularly meets at the Agape Center in Columbus, Georgia. Tuesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays at 8pm the group has open meetings. Sundays is a Big Book study meeting.
Downtown Group – Alcoholics Anonymous
An Alcoholics Anonymous group that regularly meets at the Agape Center in Columbus, Georgia. Tuesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays at 8pm the group has open meetings. Sundays is a Big Book study meeting.
Fort Benning Group – AA – Alcoholics Anonymous
Fort Benning group of Alcoholics Anonymous. Meets Mondays 7pm, Thursdays 7pm and Saturdays 7pm. Monday is Open Big Book Study, Thursdays is Open Discussion and Saturday is Closed Discussion. Building 241(Basement), Baltzel St, Fort Benning, Georgia.
Fountain City Group
An Alcoholics Anonymous group that regularly meets at the Agape Center in Columbus, Georgia. Mondays at 8pm the group has a closed discussion (NO COURT PAPERS ARE SIGNED AT THIS MEETING). On fridays there is an open speaker meeting at 8pm. Birthdays are celebrated the last friday of the month.