Category: Meetings-Schedules
Alabama District 9 AA Meetings – Alcoholics Anonymous
AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) meeting schedules for District 9 of Alabama. Includes Alexander City, Auburn, Camp Hill, Dadeville, Lafayette, Lanett, Opelika, etc.
Monday 12 Step Meetings in the Columbus Georgia Area
Listing of Monday 12 step meetings (AA, Al-Anon, CA, NA) in the Columbus Georgia area. The Agape Link Collection.
Al-Anon & Alateen – Columbus Georgia (GA)
Al-Anon and Alateen meeting schedules for the Columbus Georgia area. Provided by the Agape Center a local recovery clubhouse which hosts two Al-Anon meetings a week.
Saturday 12 Step Meetings in the Columbus Georgia Area
Listing of Saturday 12 step meetings (AA, Al-Anon, CA, NA) in the Columbus Georgia area. The Agape Link Collection.
Local CA and NA – Columbus Georgia
Cocaine and Narcotics Anonymous meeting schedules for the Columbus Georgia, Fort Benning and Phenix City Alabama area.
Sunday 12 Step Meetings in the Columbus Georgia Area
Listing of Sunday 12 step meetings (AA, Al-Anon, CA, NA) in the Columbus Georgia area. The Agape Link Collection.